So now we get the gist of What is SEO part 1 it’s on to the next step of understanding the intricacies in What is SEO part 2. This requires a better understanding of links and back links and the importance of keyword terms in the actual text used for the link or back link. It has to be said […]
Category: SEO
What is SEO part 1
SEO or search engine optimisation is the art of optimising or making a web page readable by search engine spiders, who, once informed of your websites existence, will periodically visit your site and take a snapshot of your pages also known as an ‘index’. In order for the search engine to understand what your page or […]
Multiple domains and seo
After a recent discussion with a friend on facebook I decided to leave a tip about SEO and registering multiple domains. There is a common misconception that registering many domains loosely based on keywords for your main website, and filling them with multiple backlinks to the site you wish to rank well for will serve your website […]
FREE backlinks & seo blog comments!
How blog commenting can help Google find your website for targeted keywords…
Free Directories for backlinks
Backlinks are good for your website’s so, for a bunch of free backlinks here’s a list of free directories to submit to..
Google High Quality Sites Algorithm
Google officially rolled out the High Quality Sites Algorithm
Google Caffeine
Google is changing the way it indexes websites and this will effect your websites ranking. In the old days a website that targets a ‘keyword’ would rank well depending on the backlinks it receives. Now, with Google Caffeine, which is an algorithm or process that google uses to index (scan or check a website for […]
The canonical meta tag? What is it? Let’s explain it and what it is. Now a days some meta tags it would seem are given less weight by search engines than other tags, for instance the keyword meta tag is suspected to have no impact on a web page by google today, having said that […]
Search engine optimisation tips
At Square One we firmly believe that no matter how good your website looks and functions if the search engines can’t find it then all that money paid and time spent in creating the site has been wasted. Let’s face it everyone wants to be on page one of Google – the most widely used […]
SEO seach engine optimisation
This is the art of making website pages visable to search engines. When a websites’ pages are visable to search engines then there is a high chance that the website or web pages will get better results in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). The first thing to get right is the search term. Joe […]