WordPress to Facebook


Since writing this post things have changed! WordPress to Facebook integration has just become so much easier.

Once you go to codex and download this plugin (link at end of this post) all your Facebook integration woes are over… if you dig the whole Facebook thing that is! Lets say you’ve installed the plugin and you have your app registered, now let’s have a walkthrough…

Simply input your app credentials into the Main Settings section…

… and as if like magic! You get a whole plethora of Facebook social options to integrate into your site for posts and pages. Each social plugin is strategically placed either at the top or bottom of your content – my only bug is that the markup and style might not suit your theme if you’re not prepared for it – other than that the functionality is pretty good. The bonus feature has to be the Social Publisher that allows you to publish updates to your profile or Facebook pages.

… as well as the Post and Page Settings you also have the luxury of using each social plugin as a widget which is great for a highly widgetized WordPress site, just drag and drop you widget and you’re good to go!

I’ve noticed this plugin go through a bunch of updates so it might be a bit buggy at the time of re-writing this post but, it’s well developed and pretty good in my opinion, the fact that it does have a bunch of updates is a good sign that the developers a keen to iron out any issues with it.

So it’s well worth a whirl if you dig the whole WordPress to Facebook integration. Have you used it? Are you using it? Feel free to leave your comments below.

2 thoughts on “WordPress to Facebook

  1. Thanks for this tip Elliott. I’ve been looking at integrating my website into my facebook but was thinking I would have to custom create a new template just for facebook. This plugin looks great and something I will definitely have to check out. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for this tip Elliott. I’ve been looking at integrating my website into my facebook but was thinking I would have to custom create a new template just for facebook. This plugin looks great and something I will definitely have to check out. Thanks!

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