Over the past few months I’ve come across a few disgruntled web owners….
For one reason or another they’ve been dissatisfied with the service they’ve been receiving from their web company or hosting company..
They’ve decided to quit their losses and move on to someone they feel they can trust.
Except there’s one small problem….
They’ve just realised that they don’t actually own their website domain name…the web company does!!
Which as you can imagine makes for all sorts of problems! Of course these can always be sorted but can often involve a lengthy process of proving to the domain registrar company that you actually own the name.
We always tell clients to register their own domain name, so it belongs fully to them and then heaven forbid they should want to move away from us –
Do you own your own domain name? Not sure?
Find out here and if you don’t
A good web company will be happy to do this – make sure though that if they’ve been charging you annual name domain registration fees they don’t continue to do so! And make sure you make a diary date of when the renewal fees are due (this will be shown on the details you’ve just linked to) – or better still click automatic renewal so its one less thing for you to have to remember!
To see our latest hosting offers click here.