Yes, customising the WordPress Nav Menu with the Walker_Nav_Menu class is pretty powerful for customising the native WordPress menu system. Without it, you just have a simple menu! But with it, you can integrate it into anything! I’ve recently been working on a project that requires me to use Bootstrap. Yes, I know, don’t shoot me! […]
Tag: Web Design
My bug bears with ThemeForest and WordPress
Someone recently reached out to me about helping out with their WordPress website because of the dreaded white screen of death! The site had been developed, well I say developed I actually mean a theme was purchased from ThemeForest then the site was built from within WordPress using a plethora of different plugins needed to make […]
Business Websites and the Mobile Shift 2014
Business Websites and the Mobile Shift 2014 – Whether you choose to accept it or not the mobile market is more important for business than it ever has been before. In early 2014 the mobile usage of the internet exceeded PC usage making it more important for businesses to exploit responsive websites or web applications than […]
Voice search is changing the landscape of search
Voice search is changing the landscape of search queries and Google are taking this into serious consideration, which is why, in my opinion, responsive is becoming even more important when it comes to SEO as most mobiles had voice search before desktop did. Hand in hand with location services this makes it even more interesting […]
Why do I need a responsive website – future proofed
With technology changing at such a rapid rate it’s difficult to know which one to choose when it comes to having your website built. One thing is certain and that’s that mobile and tablet purchases have been on the rise in recent years with record breaking sales reported year on year. Although these devices change […]
Why do I need a responsive website – save money
Until just over a few years ago a mobile site would have to be served up on a separate url meaning your business website would be split in to two different sites. This would mean a serious business website would have to be developed twice and that means twice the costs! Only spending money to […]
Why do I need a responsive website – better SEO
Why do I need a responsive website? Well simply because it is better for SEO. In the early days (pre 2010) before Ethan Marcotte’s article on responsive website design, the solution for mobile devices was to serve up a separate website just for mobile devices. This would mean that a single website would have to be split […]
Why do I need a responsive website – user experience
Why do I need a responsive website – simple, user experience! The single biggest reason for having a responsive website is to create a better user experience. Mobile users and tablet users browse the web in a different way and the experience of using your website should be treated differently, Mobile users are more likely going […]
How to tell if a website is responsive
Ok I know this sounds like a dumb article to write but it still amazes me how little website owners know and understand. It’s ok for developers and designers to know all this stuff but there are some people out there that just don’t get it and it’s nothing to be ashamed of, it can […]
Why your websites UI is ruining your UX
First of all lets explain what UI and UX is. UI is User Interface and UX is User Experience and one without the other is just an impossibility really! Consider the body and the mind. The body’s User Interface are senses; touch, smell, seeing, listening and taste. The body’s User Experience is the mind and […]